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The Camera That Got Me Started

March 27, 2021

Now repaired and fully working!

photography  camera-review 

This camera originally belonged to my aunt's first husband, then to my aunt herself, who eventually gave it to my mother, who eventually replaced it with the Canon EOS Rebel S. Most of the early childhood photos of me were taken with this camera. I think my mother gave it to me sometime in the late 90s or early 2000s, but I don't recall exactly.


During the early days of the pandemic, I was restlessly perambulating in my apartment between meetings, looking for something fun and tactile to fidget with during my next meeting. I ran across this, and for a week it was my new fidget item.

Then I started wondering if it still worked. So I ordered a roll of film.

It worked. Then I got the film back and was hooked. I don't know why, but I'd expected some crappy grainy trash. Probably because, my high school newspaper had lower standards (and a lower budget). We've come a long way.

After a few rolls though, I noticed that many of my pictures had odd focus issues and a few had light leaks. Inspecting the camera, I realized the front bezel where the lens mounts was a little loose, so I had the excellent folks at Seawood Photo repair it.

Excited to have it back now that I know a little bit more about what I'm doing.


The worthy photos from my first few rolls are posted here and here.